Saturday, February 21, 2009

Let Freedom Ring!

So it's been a while since I've written anything, that's largely due to the fact that I moved and I have been enjoying my own space sooooooooo much!  I know that most people who will read this have moved out and experienced this.  But I can't help thinking/feeling like this is somewhat different, mostly because most people move out when they are 18-20 and go to college.  So they move to a dorm and there's some transition.  But, like I've said before I rarely do things the easy or typical way.  And leaving the "nest" when you're 28 years old is a totally different thing.  I realized a big difference is not being woken up to requests to do things around the house, or calls during the day with requests to do things around the house, or being greeted at the end of the day with requests to do things around the house. THAT'S HUGE!  And I find myself doing a lot more house work, but not minding doing it at all.  I do a lot more dishes then I ever did before.  I do laundry a lot more often (although those that know me know this is a huge blessing).  Previous to moving out, I had to load all my laundry into my car and take it to a laundromat (or a different relatives house) and then end up spending most of the day there doing laundry which killed at least one of my weekend days every week.   Not to mention having to sit in a laundromat and watch the wash spin all day (you haven't had excitement until you've done that!).  Now the reason this is notable is because my mom had a working Washer and Dryer at home that she wouldn't allow me to use.  I even offered to give her the money I would spend at the laundromat and she still wouldn't let me use it.  Every once in a while I could sneak a load when she was gone, or guilt her into doing a small load.  But that was rare.  So it's soo nice to be able to throw a load in and wander around my house and play online or watch TV and not have to worry about it.  And doing a single load or two when I have it, rather than saving it all up for "Laundry Day".  Somehow I think it's a lot easier doing chores when you can see they are for you directly.