Friday, April 3, 2009

The Dream vs. The Reality

     It's been a while since I've posted, sorry about that.  That is due, in part, to the fact that someone who left my life recently decided to attack not only me, but also my blog.  I found that interesting because in the process of  hurling angry insults at me, the one that caught me the most was when he said "why don't you blog about this in your retarded blog".  And I've given this lots of thought since, and decided he was right... I should blog about it.  So I'm gonna!   

     I find it amusing that in this day and age of techno overload and constant 24/7 communication, we can now insult a profile as well as a person.  But I guess if we can date via the Internet, and break up via text or the Internet, and there are movies based on this phenomenon, why shouldn't we be able to insult a person as well as their profile.  

    I personally believe we as a generation and society have a much harder time giving someone a compliment, then we do making a cutting or sarcastic remark about someone thanks to the pioneering efforts of Jerry Springer!   That being the case, I try and always verbalize a compliment if I think it about someone, even if it's someone I don't know.  You'd be surprised how many people remember you when you do that, give it a try and find out... but fair warning, make sure it's a genuine compliment because a false compliment always comes across that way (as false)!

     For all the compliments I've received on my blog and brushed off as "oh they are just being nice or polite", the second someone said something harsh about this blog I took it to heart.   That got me to thinking that this is something I think MOST people do on a daily basis in their everyday life.   I know that I surround myself primarily with people who I love and care about, and on the flip side they care about me.  That makes it very easy for someone to minimize the compliments they give me, but one insult from someone who doesn't even really know ME and I cling to that for dear life.  Why are we so hard on ourselves???

     I'm sure there's probably a mixture of reasons,  self-esteem, self doubt, catholic guilt, etc. But what I keep coming back to is this is something that I was taught, and not just by my parents.    We get it from everywhere, and for years and years and years.   In religion we are taught Pride comes before a fall and to be humble.   We are taught humility in school, from parents, adult family friends.  Unfortunately, in order to teach this we are also being taught the self doubt in the process.  Because what 7 year old do you know that has a healthy understanding of what humility REALLY means?  

     And how does this reconsile with that competitive attitude we are taught at the same time, how can someone be aggressive, competitive & humble?  

     So with all of those questions floating around in my head, the answer (or at least part of the answer) finally came to me.  And it was so simple.   All it takes is a "Thank You".  As for the haters,  what I finally realized is that #1 they don't really know me and #2 they don't really like them selves very much and it's not worth carrying a grudge around for a person who already does a good job of that all on their own.   

     As for the guy who insulted my blog... it made me realize that he had been FOLLOWING my blog for a while and never said anything about it.  And that said a lot more than the insult.  I finally came to the realization that I do this more for me than anyone else.  It's a good place to get my thoughts out there and out of my head, and if someone likes it or can relate to it than great!  But if someone doesn't like it, oh well.  Take care, and thanks for reading!

feel free to share your thoughts!