Sunday, August 16, 2009

10 Years Has A Way Of Sneaking Up On You!

So yesterday was my 10 year high school reunion. It seemed to come out of no where and attack me. Just five years ago I was teasing my sister about being old when her 10 year reunion hit. When we are young a day or a week seems like such a long time, but as we grow older the year is over almost as quickly as it started and there's somehow never enough time.

There have been many things recently that have made me feel the age I actually am, rather than the age I'd like to believe I still am. Like "kids" I've known for over 10 years now turning into teenagers and driving and graduating. And loved ones passing away, causing me to think back on my long lost childhood. And my own nieces and nephews getting so grown up and big right before my eyes!
I ended up deciding not to go, mainly because everyone I would want to see from high school I am still in touch with in one form or another and see on a semi-regular basis, and the rest I didn't like so why would I want to know what happened to them??? That was the general consensus of all the people that I talk to from high school, if someone had wanted to go I might have gone along just out of sheer morbid curiosity. It did bring on a case of nostalgia however, so I sat around with a couple friends from high school thinking about what we've done since then, making catty remarks about people from high school, and being glad we don't have 4 kids and are on divorce #2 by now (while we enjoyed a few cocktails and went swimming, it was very sex in the city!).

I heard a report from one of my high school friends that a classmate who had gone said it did not have a good turn out (surprise). But, the reason it was not a good turn out was that the people who had gone were only there to brag about jobs, kids, marriage, and plastic surgery... but there was hardly anyone there to brag to. I say, save yourself the $15 and gas money and do it on facebook... or grow up and get over it and move beyond high school!!! Which ever you prefer. I've opted for the latter!

In a zany twist I happen to rent the movie "17 again" and have to say it was not one of the better movies I've seen. But it did serve the purpose of reminding me that you could not pay me enough to go back to high school. $1 well spent!

The things that seemed soooooooooo important, ended up being so totally inconsequential! And I have done so much growing and changing since then that I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Who knows though, maybe for the 15 or 20 year re-union I'll have a hot husband and a few kids and take them all to my next high school reunion?! What do you think?

Losing someone I love, has made me realize that we need to make the most of the time that we have. And enjoy the memories we make as well. Tell stories, take pictures, make videos, and share them all with friends and family! Even blog! So I plan to do this more and incorporate a lot more pictures and videos into my blog! Enjoy.