Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Some Things You Should Know Before We Get Started...

Welcome into my life and my world!   And yes I say my world because Utah (which is where I live) as a whole, and the small suburb I've lived in my ENTIRE life, is a world unto itself.  Don't get me wrong, you can find some amazing people here... but it's like going shopping at a thrift store.  You have to sift through a lot of bullsh*t before you find those gems! It's 8:30am on New Years Eve 2008, and for god knows what reason I decided to start a blog.  Seemed like an appropriate activity for the day.  A little about me,  I'm a 28 year old gay man.  I know, I know, it sounds glamorous thanks to Hollywood...but in reality I'm not a stick thin meth addicted "twink" who fits into everything.  I'm a chubby "bear" of a gay man, half of my heritage is Italian so I'm hairy too!  I was raised Catholic is a state that is predominately Mormon.  For those of you that don't know much about Mormons (just ask, I consider myself an expert at this point) but the brief description goes something like this: waif like children with a dull hungry look who are taught to believe things that make no sense and never think to question why???   If I sound a little bitter it's only because I am.  I have spent the majority of my life feeling like an outcast, through no fault of my own.  First off there's the religion thing, ok being different builds character.  But growing up a stocky "solid" kid, because of the fine Italian cooking happening morning, noon, and night.  And being taught to emotionally eat by my paranoid neurotic mother didn't help either.  If you've ever seen "My BIG FAT GREEK Wedding"  that's my family only Italian.  I have 3 older sisters, yes I'm the baby, and they are all married and two of them have kids.  My nieces ages 9 and 22 months, and my nephews ages 3 and 5.   And my father, what can I say about my father.  He's an emotionally distant man, who married a dominate woman (my mother) and fits the gay stereotype just as well as I do (i.e. baking and Barbra and Broadway "OH MY!").   Ironically, it bothers him that I'm gay.  Not that he'll ever admit that, he's a much to politically correct pseudo liberal democrat to admit something like that.  So I have lived in the same city in the same state for my entire life, and now I find myself 28 years old living in the basement apartment of my parents house and working in a job in the insurance field.   Stay back, it's my glamorous life and you can't have it.  And doing things I truly enjoy, like singing and reading tarot cards and movies and being gay, on the down low because I need to get the hell out of Utah and away from my family.  Here's the paradox, I would miss my family insanely if I didn't see and/or talk to them on a daily basis.  So I stay and dream about traveling and being swept away by some gorgeous handsome millionaire like Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina!  Stay tuned if you wanna find out more about the random goings on in my life.....

1 comment:


    Mr. Cub - you are a perfect fit for the blogoshpere. We welcome you with open arms. Please visit my blogroll to meet some very interesting characters of our own. You should start with Sideon and Cele. They are a good point from which to begin your journey.

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or wants. . . (within reason) ;) and I will be happy to oblige.

