Sunday, January 25, 2009

20 Years and Many Lifetimes...

I was informed today (by my mother) that it was the 20th anniversary of the day that my family moved in to the house we now live in.  My mother is big into links and anniversaries.  So we hear about every little thing, but I find it an interesting "coincidence" that  1 week before I'm moving out of this house I hit 20 years!  
     So anyway, it got me to thinking and I realized that I've lived in every bedroom of this house except the Master Suite.  I have now spent more than half my life in this house, and I can still remember the day we found out we were moving out of my old house.  For those keeping track, that means I moved into this house when I was 8 years old.  I have memories from elementary school all the way up to the present that all center around this house.
    As I've been sorting through things and packing I've come across things that have triggered old memories anyway, but thinking in terms of living in the same place for 20 years just seems unbelievable to me.  I have changed and grown so much in the last 20 years that it seems like I've gone through 3 or 4 lifetimes.  
    With that being said, it seems as though I'm beginning a new life time even as I write this.  Change never seems to happen smoothly.  There's always some bang, or at the very least it occurs suddenly and I'm left to adjust.  
     So for as much as I am so excited about moving and making this change and starting this new life, I'm also kind of scared.  It's like standing on the edge of a cliff and feeling the rush of adrenaline because you know that one wrong step and you could fall, but seeing that view and that perspective makes it all worth while and changes you forever.  But what I'm reminded of the more I look over my past is how much I've come through and survived.  So I know that if I do fall, I will survive.  And I also know that going into this I'm in a better place all around then I have been in a very long time.  So rather than worrying about falling, I've decided to take a that leap of faith and grow up.  

Wish me luck!


  1. You also know that you are now making memories and anniversaries of your own! So jump and jump high. You may fall but we all do. It is very worth it.

  2. The amazing thing about leaving home is knowing that you always had a home and will always have a home there. Besides, home is a state of mind not just an address. I can't believe it has been 20 year! Good luck!
