Monday, January 5, 2009

It's a black fly in your Chardonnay, It's a death row pardon 2 minutes too late...

I find it kind of interesting how when you put something out there to the universe, it doesn't hesitate to act.  When I started this blog not to long ago, it was under the mind set that I had live in the same state, the same city, and in my parents basement/house for more or less my whole life. And just days after posting the blog, I'm moving suddenly.  It's a very good thing, and very positive.  But I find it interesting that even though I'll still be in the biggest bubble of them all (Utah!)  I'm shedding the smaller bubbles that are the City I grew up in, and *(thank god) my parents basement.  And me being the little manifester that I am, created a great situation to move into.  From basement to Master Suite w/ private bathroom and enormous walk-in closet!  Every issue I had with living at home is gone with the place that I am moving too!  I can't wait!  I'll keep you posted on how it all goes!  Wish me luck.


  1. Woot! Good Luck Mister Timothy John! So when can I bring you some booze for a housewarming?

